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Mont Angelis* Art Guide for Stellenbosch

Stellenbosch has art galleries to satisfy all visitors whether they are art connoisseurs or just those who want to see art by local artists through South African history. Themes cover the South African landscape, indigenous people, social commentary and everyday life. Artists on display include Irma Stern, Maggie Laubser, Walter Batiss, William Kentridge, Robert Hodgins, Trevor Makhoba, Louis Makubela, Alexis Preller and many more.
So to all the art lovers out there, here are a few noteworthy stops to remember when planning your next gallery hopping mission.
Dorp Street is a good starting point.
GUS Gallery
Where: Cnr. Bird and, Dorp St, Stellenbosch Central, Stellenbosch, 7600
The Gallery of the University of Stellenbosch (GUS) is an off-campus extension of the Visual Arts Department. Gus-gallery.co.za serves as a central online space, archiving and promoting exhibitions and events at GUS gallery.
“Our vision is to serve as a public multi-disciplinary community centre, creating a space for sharing of knowledge, ideas and inspiration. In addition to exhibitions, GUS hosts live music events, poetry sessions, open workshops, lectures and discussions.”
For more, visit www.gus.gallery.co.za
Die Dorpstraat Gallery
Courtesy of Dorpstraat Gallery, Copyright the artist
Where: Oude Bank, 10 Church St, Stellenbosch Central, Stellenbosch
The gallery specializes in solo and group exhibitions of contemporary South African artists and has provided a showcase for some of the country’s most talented artists: Judith Mason, Walter Oltmann, Gregory Kerr, Nicolas Maritz, Adrian van Zyl, Shanny van den Berg, Angus Taylor, Nora Newton, Chris Diedericks, Anton Momberg and Jenny Parsons to name a few.
Exhibitions take place on a regular basis and feature art in various mediums: painting, graphics, sculptures, ceramics, glass, and unique pieces of tribal and contemporary jewellery.
For more, visit dsg.withtank.com
Slee Gallery
Courtesy of Slee Gallery, Copyright the artist
Where: 103 Dorp Street
The Slee Gallery, an initiative of the architect and artist Johann Slee is a modern space in a historic building. The programme is eclectic and always interesting.
For more, visit https://www.slee.co.za/slee-gallery
Moving towards Church Street; the beating heart of the Stellenbosch
SMAC Gallery
Courtesy of SMAC Gallery, Copyright the artist
Where: 1st Floor, De Wet Centre, 2 Church Street, Stellenbosch
SMAC Gallery was established in 2007 in Stellenbosch, South Africa. Since it’s inception, SMAC has focused on presenting the work of emerging and mid-career South African artists, as well as established international artists. The gallery expanded to its current flagship space in Woodstock, Cape Town, in 2014 and opened a third space in Johannesburg, South Africa in 2016. In addition to its contemporary programme, the gallery regularly presents large-scale historical exhibitions and projects that offer a critical re-evaluation of South African art history within a global dialogue.
For more, visit smacgallery.com
Vincent da Silva
Where: 38 Church St, Stellenbosch Central, Stellenbosch, 7600
Whilst you’re exploring Church Street, be sure to pop into Vincent da Silva’s gallery. Vincent has been exploring the figurative and the abstract personalities of art. He is challenging himself to attain an understanding of any subject and also aims to reveal an inner sense of whatever he creates.
Courtesy of Vincent da Silva Gallery, Copyright the artist
For more, visit vincentdasilva.co.za
Let’s round the corner onto Ryneveld Street
Dyman Gallery
Courtesy of Dyman Gallery, Copyright the artist
Where: Corner Plein and Ryneveld Street, Stellenbosch
As a leading South African art gallery, Dyman Gallery (previously known as Absolut Art Gallery) offers an extensive and exclusive range of original South African art, as well as expert art valuations and experienced investment advice.
The owners of Dyman Gallery, Gerrit Dyman Sr and Gerrit Dyman Jr, have more than three decades worth of specialist experience in the art industry.
For more, visit https://dymangallery.co.za/
A few more suggestions outside of town:
Dylan Lewis’ sculpture garden (by appointment only)
Dornier Wines has an exhibition of the artwork of its founder Christoph Dornier that can be viewed as part of a cellar tour (by appointment)
Cavalli Estate has a fantastic gallery
For these and many more galleries on wine farms in the area, watch this space for an upcoming feature on "Art on Wine Farms".
The top Art Museums in Stellenbosch
Rupert Museum
Courtesy of Rupert Museum. Copyright of Irma Stern, the artist.
Where: Stellentia Avenue off Dorp Street, Stellenbosch
This is certainly a gallery with one of the finest collections of South African Art and the permanent collection includes artists such as Maggie Laubser, Irma Stern, Pierneef, Jean Welz, Cecil Higgs, Herman van Nasareth, Keith Dietrich, Stanley Pinker, William Kentridge, and Alexis Preller.
Also featured at the Museum are works off Willie Bester, Tony Nkosi, Karel Nel, Penny Siopis, Cecil Skotnes, Otto Klar, Carl Büchner, Francois Krige, Hugo Naudé, Gregoire Boonzaaier, Maurice van Esche, Nel Erasmus, Frans Claerhout, Paul du Toit, Pieter Wenning, Frans Oerder, Walter Battiss, Maud Sumner, Wolf Kibel and more.
Sculptures include those of South Africa’s pioneering sculptor Anton van Wouw, as well as Sydney Kumalo and Ezrom Legae, with European works by leading sculptors such as Käthe Kollwitz and Auguste Rodin. Outside the gallery, there are sculptures by well-known artist, Dylan Lewis.
For more, visit http://rupertmuseum.org/
The Sasol Museum
Where: 52 Ryneveld Street, Stellenbosch
The University Museum was formerly the Bloemhof School for Girls and thanks to a substantial donation by Sasol Ltd. the building was restored and transformed into a cultural centre.
The Sasol Art Museum houses the Stellenbosch University’s permanent collection and the exhibition includes furniture and consumers’ articles of historical value. Maggie Laubser bequeathed her 140 works to the University, which was fully restored in 1989 to 1990. Only a selection is exhibited in this building where she went to school.
The Anthropology Section of the Museum is the holder of an irreplaceable African collection, assembled over the years. The Museum also has a number of Cape scenes painted in 1839 by Solomon Caesar Malan, an amateur painter, this Africana-Treasure has a history of its own and makes the museum well worth visiting.
The Stellenbosch University Art Gallery was built in 1854 by renowned architect Carl Otto Hager. It is a satellite of the Sasol Art Museum and operates as a semi-commercial gallery.
For more information visit https://www0.sun.ac.za/museum/
*Mont Angelis Retreat offers a selection of well-designed and spacious self-catering cottages on a wine farm in Upper Blaauwklippen Valley, 10 km away from downtown Stellenbosch. It is an oasis of well-being for leisure and business travellers, as well as athletes, academics and wine lovers. Mont Angelis has been selected as one of the 15 best places to stay in Stellenbosch by The Inside Guide. www.montangelis.co.za
Further Reading
You won't believe how many activities are available in and around Stellenbosch. Stop dreaming about your bucket list and start living it. The Cape Winelands has many opportunities to make most of those dreams come true. Grab a partner, pack a bag and create memories; stay in luxury accommodation and enjoy adventure moments that will turn you into a true storyteller.
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